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Sensor Ultrasonik HC-SR04 HC SR04 Sensor Jarak Ultrasonic
Item Deskripsi :
This module performance is stable, measure the distance accurately. performance nearly the same as SRF05, SRF02 SRF05, SRF02 ultrasonic distance measuring module and other comparable. Module High precision, blind spots (2cm) super close.
Versi : HC-SR04
Input Power: DC 5V
konsumsi arus : less than 2mA
Electrical level output: 5V high
Electrical level output: at the end of 0V
Induction angle : not more than 15 degrees
Detection distance : 2cm-450cm
High precision : 2mm
Wiring : VCC, trig (control side), echo (receiving end), GND
Using IO trigger distance, the high signal to at least 10us
module automatically sends eight 40khz square wave, automatically detects whether a signal return;
a signal back, through the IO output a high electrical level, high electrical level duration is: the ultrasound time from launch to return. Test distance = (time of the high electrical level * speed of sound (340M / S)) / 2;
Aplikasi :
Pengukur Jarak
Modul Pengukur panjang benda
Sensor Ultrasonik HC-SR04 HC SR04 Sensor Jarak Ultrasonic
Berat | 300 gram |
Kondisi | Baru |
Dilihat | 4.028 kali |
Diskusi | Belum ada komentar |
this is another great IIC/I2C/TWI/SPI Serial Interface. As the pin resources of for Arduino controller is limited, your project may be not able to use normal LCD shield after connected with a certain quantity of sensors or SD card. However, with this I2C interface module, you will be able to realize data display via only… selengkapnya
Rp 12.400Support terus UKM indonesia dengan membeli produk-produk dalam negeri. Untuk kualitas tidak usah diragukan, udah kita tes QC dengan sangat baik. Hasilnya juga tidak kalah dengan produk-produk China Berikut spesifikasinya: – Relay 5V merk HKE (lebih bagus dan lebih mahal dr merk SONGLE/TONGLING) – kontak relay 10A – Low level trigger – 1 Channel –… selengkapnya
Rp 8.500Spesifikasi : – 16×2 – Warna Biru – Tegangan kerja : 5v Digunakan untuk keperluan display project seperti Arduino, Raspberry, AVR dll.
Rp 17.0002000W SCR Electronic Voltage Regulator Speed Controller Dimmer Thermostat Aplikasi : Kontrol temperature heater, kontrol kecepatan fan/bor tangan/gurinda tangan, kompor listrik, oven, electric heater, solder dll Features: 1. Special design with 1.6 thick FR – 4 high temperature resistant circuit board. 2. It is safety and reliable to cope with large current. 3. Double capacity… selengkapnya
Rp 19.500Buruan dibeli gan….barang murah-berkualitas SIAPA CEPAT DIA DAPAT Spesifikasi: LCD 1602 / 16×2 (16 karakter, 2 baris) merek QAPASS (cek gambar di atas) background warna hijau-kuning Cocok untuk arduino, raspberry, dll
Rp 24.500Description: TP5100 is a double switch buck 8.4V, single cell 4. 2V lithium battery charge management chip. Its ultra-compact QFN16 package and simple external circuit, making TP5100 ideal for portable equipment so large current charging management applications. Meanwhile, TP5100 built—in input overcurrent, undervoltage protection, over temperature protection, short circuit protection, battery temperature monitoring, reverse battery… selengkapnya
Rp 10.600Bagaimana jika mikrokontroler yang anda gunakan tidak memiliki port ADC. atau anda masih kurang dengan spesifikasi resolusi ADC yang disediakan internal mikrokontroler anda? ADS1115 menyediakan ADC dengan tingkat presisi 16-bit. sekitar 860 sampel/detik melalui antarmuka I2C. Karena menggunakan I2C, chip ini bisa dikonfigurasi menjadi 4 kanal tunggal atau dua kanal diferensial. Sebagai bonus, ADS1115 juga… selengkapnya
Rp 65.000Kabel Jumper Dupont Pelangi 30cm Male to Female 1 lembar = 40 kabel
Rp 13.500Case patern: Solid Warna : Merah dan Hijau Current: 10-20 mA Diameter: 3mm
Rp 300Kabel Jumper Dupont Pelangi 10 cm female to female 1 lembar = 40 kabel
Rp 9.000
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