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How to Calibrate Your CNC Machine
- Run a GRBL streamer software. You can use Grbl Control, GRBL Controller, Candle, UltimateCNC, or others. Even you can use Hyper Terminal or Putty at this step, but it’s not recommended if you are not mastering GRBL command (note: in this article I use UtimateCNC, you can download it here freely)
- Check your GRBL initial configuration by typing the’ $$’ command in the console. Look at the result shown on your display
- Set Axis direction. At this step, you can set axis direction depends on your hardware (stepper motor) set up. Try these configurations, until you got correct direction regarding the navigation button in GRBL software. See picture below enter one of above configuration using command $3=value in the console (ex: $3=6)
- Set speed of the stepper motor. You can do this step by entering the command below for each axis in Console
- Distance calibration. This point is the main calibration step, so please be careful to run this step or your CNC will less precisely moving or move incorrectly at all.
How to Calibrate Your CNC Machine
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