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IIC I2C LCD 1602 16×2 2004 20×4 Backpack for LCD Arduino
this is another great IIC/I2C/TWI/SPI Serial Interface. As the pin resources of for Arduino controller is limited, your project may be not able to use normal LCD shield after connected with a certain quantity of sensors or SD card. However, with this I2C interface module, you will be able to realize data display via only 2 wires. If you already has I2C devices in your project, this LCD module actually cost no more resources at all. It is fantastic for Arduino based project.
I2C Address: 0X20~0X27 (the original address is 0X20,you can change it yourself)
Supply voltage: 5V
the backlight and contrast is adjusted by potentiometer
Come with 2 IIC interface, which can be connected by Dupont Line or IIC dedicated cable
Compatible for 1602 LCD 2004 LCD
IIC I2C LCD 1602 16×2 2004 20×4 Backpack for LCD Arduino
Berat | 20 gram |
Kondisi | Baru |
Dilihat | 2.792 kali |
Diskusi | Belum ada komentar |
Case patern: Solid Warna : Merah dan Hijau Current: 10-20 mA Diameter: 3mm
Rp 300Spesifikasi : – 16×2 – Warna Biru – Tegangan kerja : 5v Digunakan untuk keperluan display project seperti Arduino, Raspberry, AVR dll.
Rp 17.000Kabel Jumper Dupont Pelangi 10 cm female to female 1 lembar = 40 kabel
Rp 9.000Spesifikasi : – 16×2 – Warna Biru – Tegangan kerja : 5v – Sudah include module I2C Backpack dan tersolder Digunakan untuk keperluan display project seperti Arduino, Raspberry, AVR dll.
Rp 30.000Penurun tegangan DC-DC ekonomis yang bisa distel tegangan output nya. Cocok untuk pemasangan variasi mobil dan sepeda motor, dijadikan charger HP, power supply LED, lighting dsb. Untuk semua kreatifitas agan, hanya perlu 1 alat kecil ini saja, tidak makan tempat dan sangat portable. ================== Input: DC 3V s/d 40V Tegangan input harus lebih besar dari… selengkapnya
Rp 9.000Kabel jumper Dupont untuk jumper Arduino atau Raspeberry Pi 20 cm Female to female 1 lembar = 40 kabel
Rp 11.300Modul sensor tegangan AC bolak balik 1 fasa ini menggunakan optocoupler sehingga tegangan input (AC) tidak akan mengganggu/membahayakan tegangan output (sistem digital) Tegangan output berupa tegangan digital (3.3v/5v=logic HIGH, 0V=logic LOW) , dapat langsung dihubungkan dengan NodeMCU, WEMOS, ESP8266, Arduino atau Raspberry Pi Pinout: – L (Fasa) + N (Netral), untuk tegangan AC 220V, bisa… selengkapnya
Rp 21.0001 X LDR Sensor 5mm Cahaya 5528 Light Dependent Resistor LDR
Rp 4.000This is a set of transmitter and receiver in one of the photoelectric sensor. Detection distance can be adjusted according to requirements. The sensor has a detection distance, interference by visible light, cheap, easy to assemble, easy to use, can be widely used in robot obstacle avoidance, line piecework and many other occasions. Output current… selengkapnya
Rp 37.500Specifications: Operating voltage: DC3-5V Operating current: less than 20mA Sensor Type: Analog Detection Area: 40mmx16mm Production process: FR4 double-sided HASL Operating temperature:10-30 Humidity: 10% -90% non-condensing Product Dimensions: 62mmx20mmx8mm
Rp 3.000
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